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Program Definition:
Community Service Restitution (CSR) is a condition of probation, mandating that a defendant work a specified number of hours at a court approved community service project as restitution to the community for the crime committed. Each defendant placed on probation by the courts in Van Zandt County, will be given a specific number of hours of community service to complete as a condition of that probation. In the state of Texas, the number of hours is calculated according to the severity of the offense.
The court may require a defendant to serve Community Service in lieu of confinement in a county jail under certain conditions. Community Service may also be used as a continuum of sanction to encourage a probationer's participation in employment programs or as payment of a fine. Defendants are not paid for services performed while accruing CSR hours.
Assignment Referral Procedures:
- Probationer is given a work assignment at intake
- Probationer is counseled by a CSR officer on CSR work, and the importance of its completion, that failure to complete CSR will result in the courts being notified, resulting in a warrant for their arrest being issued and jail time assessed.
- Each participant must read and sign a waiver of liability
- Primary assignment will made with a contracting agency in the probationer's home city
- Secondary assignments are to First Monday Trade Days, in Canton, Texas.
Operational Policies:
- The Community Service Officer and/or CSR Coordinator will make CSR assignments
- A list of CSR workers and their time sheets are submitted to the contracting agencies each month, and time sheets for the previous month are collected
- The CSR Coordinator maintains a master list of participants, showing the number of hours assessed, and the number of hours worked
Local CSR Work Sites:
- First Monday Trade Days
- Edgewood Heritage Park
- Wills Point Depot
- Van Zandt County Courthouse: various departments
- Lions Club Food Drive
- Grand Saline Salt Festival
- Fire Departments throughout Van Zandt County
- Other various non-profit organizations throughout Van Zandt County
Policies For Obtaining CSR Workers:
- Must be a non-profit organization
- A legal representative of the requesting organization must sign a contract with the designated court
- Organization must meet certain requirements of the Van Zandt County Community Supervisions and Corrections Department (Adult Probation) that will be outlined by the CSR Director
CSR Caseload Officer :
Todd West
email: twest@vzcscd.com
903-567-4066 Ext 301
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Van Zandt CSCD250 E. Groves Canton, Tx 75103 Phone: 903-567-4066
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